Words of Comfort

Beautiful song, I ask god this everynight before bed. God please, untill I am able to hug my bug again, will you please hug for me. Tell him I love him, tell him I miss him, and  I can hardly wait untill we are reunited.

This song was given to me on a CD when I lost my Bug, I just know that it is so true. I have nothing to fear, because I know that my son, God, nad my special guardian angels are all with me, and someday I will see them again, I feel so much comfort knowing they are with me always.

A Place Where Children Are

What kind of place would heaven be with all its streets of gold, if all the souls, that dwell up there like yours and mine, were old? How strange would heaven’s music sound when harps begin to ring, if children were not gathered ‘round to help the angels sing. The children that God sends to us are only just a loan, He knows we need their
sunshine to make the house a home. We need the inspiration of a baby’s blessed smile. He doesn’t say they’ve come to stay, just lends them for a while. Sometimes it takes them years to do the work for which they come. Sometimes in just a month or two our Father calls them home. I like to think some souls up there bear not one sinful scar. I love to think of heaven as a place where children are.
This is the poem that was on my sweet Bug's prayer card.


Go ahead and Mention my child,
The one that died, you know.
Don't worry about hurting me further.
The depth of my pain doesn't show.
Don't worry about making me cry.
I'm already crying inside.
Help me heal by releasing
The tears that I try and hide.
I'm hurt when you just keep silent,
Pretending he didn't exist.
I'd rather you mention my child,
Knowing that he has been missed.
You asked me how I was doing.
I say "pretty good" or "fine"
But healing is something ongoing.
I feel it will take a lifetime.
--Elizabeth Dent

I hate it that people dont like to talk to me about my son. Of course I want to hear his name, I want to talk of him, He's my son. What kind of mother doesnt like to talk about her child? even though he;s gone im still his mommy and hes still my baby.